Open Studio

Meet Rosina Gaudio

Open Studio,
the world of wodden-spirits and magical Art !!

Visit the small world of handmade fantasy souls.
4 – 16 hour programs are possible,
model your little darling with my help.
Please call or write me a message
before you want to come to me.
we will then make an appointment.

I am also happy to receive visitors who just want to say hello

Your Rosina Gaudio

Design your own artwork

Be supported and inspired by the artist !

You are welcome to book Rosina and benefit from
her knowledge and using her tools and space.
You have colors, brushes, modeling clay and lot of more available.
There is enough material in place to create something beautiful with you !

Terms of participation and prices:

Contact Rosina for a workshop appointment !
– 4 hours workshop Euro 35.-
– Every additional hour Euro 5.-
– The finished art you take with you !!!
These prices are per person.
3 people maximum.


Example artworks with 12 working hours

You work on wood with air-drying material.
Wood is available if you don’t bring your own.
Attention, the larger the work of art,
the longer it takes to dry and
additional working hours are necessary!
For this project you will come to me on 2 – 3 different days
This work of art can be sealed weatherproof and is also for outdoor use!
Final price 75 Euros = 12 working hours
The material is included in the price

Example artworks with 4 working hours
“Indoor Elf or Fairy”

Here you get a small figurine in resin.
Together with the artist you will learn how to painting
and decorating her into a Fairy or Elf.
The finishing work is an Elf or Fairy for interior use.
Final price 35 Euros = 4 working hours
The material is included in the price

Example artwork with 16 working hours
“Fairy or Elf”

This project takes more than 4 hours !
You come to me more than once.
On the first visit we create the figurine
by building the armature and applying the clay
forming the sculpture.
Then the clay has to dry (oven)

At the next visit, the sculpture will be smoothed
and improved, painted and decorated.

There is also the option of leaving the sculpture
skin-colored without painting her.

For this project you will come to me on 2 – 3 different days

Final price 110 Euros = 16 working hours
The material is included in the price

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